April 5, 2021 - Edgewood Schools

Today is a Blocks 1-4 day. Tuesday will be a Blocks 5-8 day.

Detention will be hosted by Mr. Kensek in Room 120 until 3:15 today.

Sunday, April 4th, was National School Librarian Day! Librarians are the lifeblood of any library. Without librarians, libraries would just be buildings full of books, media, and computers. For all they do, they deserve a day to celebrate their achievements. Please thank Ms. Edgeman for all she does and wish her Happy National School Librarian Day!

Art Club will meet today after school until 3:30. We meet every other Monday.

Did you forget to preorder your 2021 yearbook? A few EJHS yearbooks are left for purchase. Pay online now for a late May handout: http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A02068100

Gear up for the sunshine with the official Edgewood Spring Spirit Wear Sale! The online store is open now through April 9th and all items will be delivered to the school you designate (or you can have them directly shipped to your home for a fee) the week of April 26th. All funds from your purchase go to support the Edgewood school of your choice and directly back to support RBB students/teachers. We have some fun (and colorful) options for everyone! Shop now: https://edgewoodspring.itemorder.com/sale.

The Scholastic Book Fair is heading our way!! It will be at our school from April 12th-23rd. Visit the library for all the fun! There are so many books to choose from for every interest: adventure, sci-fi, best-selling, and even “laugh-out-loud” stories. We can’t wait to see you there!

Tryouts for current 6th and 7th-graders interested in joining the 2021-2022 EJHS Colts cheer squad will be held this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 5-7 pm in the EJHS gym. Current 6th and 7th-graders who are interested in trying out must have a current physical or health history form on file in the office before trying out. Tryouts for next year’s 6th-grade squad will be held in the fall. Students should complete this GOOGLE FORM to sign-up (non-RBB accounts will not have access to the form).

All athletes must have a physical form on file in the office before tryouts!

EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of April 5, 2021

Monday, April 5
Detention – Room 120 (Kensek) 2:30-3:15 pm
Academic Super Bowl – Science Meeting – Room 111 (Grimes) 2:30-3:30 pm
Art Club Meeting – Room 216 and ZOOM (Millick) 2:30-3:30 pm
Softball vs. Eastern 5:30 pm

Tuesday, April 6
Detention – Room 120 (Kensek) 2:30-3:15 pm
Game Club – Room 111 (Grimes) 2:30-4 pm
Academic Super Bowl – English Meeting – Room 220 (Anspaugh) 2:30-3:30 pm
Baseball vs. Shakamak 5:30 pm

Wednesday, April 7
Detention – Room 215 (Christy) 2:30-3:15 pm
Baseball @ Bloomfield 6 pm
Softball @ Cloverdale 5:30 pm

Thursday, April 8
Detention – Room 215 (Christy) 2:30-3:15 pm
Academic Super Bowl – Social Studies Practice – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Softball @ South Putnam 5:30 pm

Friday, April 9
Debate Club Meeting – Room 217 (M. Jones) and/or Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Game Club – Room 111 (Grimes) 2:30-4 pm

Saturday, April 10

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