Please turn in tissues and Clorox Wipes to your homeroom teacher.
Boys & Girls Club will be closed from August 8-12. Please make alternate dismissal arrangements for your child.
Boys & Girls Club 2022-2023 Calendar
Are you interested in running cross country? Practice starts today after school until 4 pm. Runners should change and meet in the cafeteria. With multiple meets in the next week, the deadline to join is this Friday, August 12th. A physical must be on file to participate.
EJHS Cross Country and Volleyball Apparel Sale! Use the links below to access their apparel store. The online stores will close on August 21st.
EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of August 8, 2022
Thursday, August 11
Friday, August 12
Saturday, August 13
Cross Country – Puckett Invitational 10:30 am