Detention will be hosted by Ms. Hillenburg in Room 107 until 3:15 pm today.
Yesterday, the 7th-graders heard Cindy Chavez speak about the start-up of Pantry 279. It all started because some middle school girls saw a need. One of their friends was saving leftovers from other students’ lunches. Why were they doing this? Saving food others would throw away? It turns out this was because their family did not have enough food for the weekend. The girls saw this need and decided to do something about it. And Pantry 279 was born. Starting TODAY we begin a one-week food drive to help support the pantry. Please bring in non-perishable food items which the Pantry can pass on to others who are in need. The homeroom which brings in the most items during the food drive will win a prize! We believe in you EJHS. Please help us meet the needs of hungry families right here in our community. Let’s make this the BEST food drive we have ever had as a school.
8th-grade students and parents: Please submit two photos for use in the end-of-the-year memory slideshow to be shown at EJHS Honors and Awards Day. ALL students will be represented. One image should be a current photo of you–school-related if possible, but not your school yearbook portrait. The other should be from when you were young. Please upload good quality, school-appropriate .jpeg images to the online link by the Friday after Spring Break, March 25th. (You may have to copy the URL and paste it into a browser for it to work.) Email Mrs. Millick with any questions at
Please check the table outside the Guidance Office for lost items that might belong to you. Unclaimed items will be donated before Spring Break.
Design Lab is canceled for this week.
There is no Japan Club this week.
Art Club will meet tomorrow after school until 3:30 pm in the Art Room.
Are you looking for a safe space to be yourself and be kind to others? Join the “Proud to Be Me” Club tomorrow in Room 205 from 2:30-3:15.
Academic Super Bowl Social Studies will meet tomorrow from 2:30-3:30.
**Apparel Sale**
The PTO spring apparel sale will wrap up this week. Please check it out – 100% of every dollar made goes back to support RBB students, teachers, and staff. Get your orders placed before Friday.
THIS IS THE LAST WEEK TO ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK for the $20 price. Preorder HERE. After this week, a limited supply MIGHT be available for an additional price. All copies will be delivered the last week of school.
Tonight our 7th-grade and 8th-grade girls’ basketball teams will be playing their last home game of the season against Monrovia. We want you to fill the stands with “white lie” t-shirts. Wear anything white and sit in the student section and you will get in free! Good luck Colts!
Our EJHS swimmers and divers had a great meet last night with both teams winning against Bedford. Ellie Vagedes broke the school record in the 100 back. Almost everyone had a PR and notable performances include Anthony Straw and Zhenia Venegas in diving, Henry Norris in the 50 free, Jackson Schmalensee in the 100 free, Gabriel Tassi in the backstroke, Ari Vician in the 400 free, and Sophie Ludlow in the 200 free. Next up, a home meet this Thursday against Batchelor.
The Athletic Department is now selling Edgewood socks for school spirit. See Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center to purchase your Edgewood socks in person today. There are two color options to choose from and two different sizes. All socks are $15.
Tryouts for this year’s EJHS baseball team will be held next Tuesday, March 8th, and Wednesday, March 9th, at 5 pm. Fill out this FORM to add your name to the tryout list. The location of tryouts will be announced closer to the tryout dates. You must have a physical on file in the office to participate.
Anyone interested in trying out for the EJHS Girls’ Softball team needs to check their email and fill out the Google form. Conditioning will be held from 2:30-3:45 tomorrow, and also next Tuesday, March 8th. Tryouts will be conducted the week following Spring Break on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 22nd and 23rd from 2:30-4:30 pm. You must have a current physical on file in the office to participate in conditioning and tryouts. Everyone who tries out must have completed the Google form. See Coach Ayer or email with any questions you may have (
What is a snake’s favorite subject in school? Hisstory! This joke was submitted by Anonymous. If you would like to submit a joke for consideration please fill out this form.
Need homework help?
Purchase EJHS home event athletic tickets here:
EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of February 28, 2022
Monday, February 28
Detention – Media Center (Walters) 2:30-3:15 pm
Math Academic Super Bowl – Room 106 (Wells) 2:30-3:15 pm
English Academic Super Bowl – Room 220 (Anspaugh) 2:30-3:30 pm
Coding Club – Design Lab (Scott) 2:30-3:30 pm
Baking Club – Room 212 (Koontz) 2:30-4 pm
7th-Grade/8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball vs. North Clay 6 pm
8th-Grade Jazz Band with EHS Jazz Band Concert @ EHS Auditorium 6 pm
Tuesday, March 1
Detention – Media Center (Walters) 2:30-3:15 pm
Debate Club – Room 217 (M. Jones/Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Baking Club – Room 212 (Koontz) 2:30-4 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-5 pm
Swimming & Diving @ Bedford 6 pm
Wrestling @ Bedford 6 pm
Wednesday, March 2
Detention – Room 107 (Hillenburg) 2:30-3:15 pm
Japan Club – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm CANCELED
Science Academic Super Bowl – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-3:30 pm
7th-Grade/8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball vs. Monrovia 6 pm
Wrestling @ Owen Valley 6 pm
Thursday, March 3
Detention – Room 107 (Hillenburg) 2:30-3:15 pm
Proud To Be Me Club – Room 205 (Schlemmer) 2:30-3:15 pm
Social Studies Academic Super Bowl – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Art Club – Room 216 (Millick) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-5 pm
7th-Grade/8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball @ WIC Championship @ North Clay 6 pm
Swimming & Diving vs. Batchelor 6 pm
Friday, March 4
Game Club – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4 pm
8th-Grade Jazz Band @ ISSMA Jazz @ Whiteland TBD
Mini-Warehouse @ South Dearborn Opening Knight Showcase TBD
Saturday, March 5
Wrestling WIC @ EJHS 9 am