March 7, 2022 - Edgewood Schools

March 7, 2022

Detention will be hosted by Mrs. Erickson in Room 113 until 3:15 pm.

One in seven children in Indiana are facing hunger problems, wondering what their next meal will be. This is a scary thought and we want to be part of the solution in our community. As of Friday afternoon, we have collected 333 items to be donated to Pantry 279. Let’s see if we can double that number before Wednesday morning.
6th-grade leader – Mr. Gill’s Homeroom
7th-grade leader – Mr. Kensek’s Homeroom
8th-grade leader – Mrs. Hastings’ Homeroom
Remember – the winning homeroom for each grade level wins a prize!

Any 8th-grader that brings in an item for the food drive should swing by their math teacher’s class before turning it in. Finding the volume and surface area of the container will earn you bonus points on your upcoming Geometry test!

8th-grade students and parents: Please submit two photos for use in the end-of-the-year memory slideshow to be shown at EJHS Honors and Awards Day. ALL students will be represented. One image should be a current photo of you–school-related if possible, but not your school yearbook portrait. The other should be from when you were young. Please upload good quality, school-appropriate .jpeg images to the online link by the Friday after Spring Break, March 25th. (You may have to copy the URL and paste it into a browser for it to work.) Email Mrs. Millick with any questions at

It was an amazing weekend for Edgewood band programs! Friday night, the 8th-Grade Jazz Band traveled to Whiteland High School and received a Gold Rating and scored so high they were recognized “With Distinction” along with all golds for all our high school jazz groups. Mae Armstrong, Hunter Kemmerling, Andrew Paul, Austin Hancock, Ella Lucas, Blaise Jerles, Kate Noth, and Vaughn Moorman were all recognized as outstanding soloists.
On Saturday the Winter Guard, with EJHS member Ava Ely, received first at their contest in Zionsville and our Indoor Percussion traveled to Franklin Community High School where they won first place against seven other groups with their show “Styx and Stones”. EJHS members include Mae Armstrong, Connor Bayne, Landon Smith, Kylie Miller, Carly Beatty, and Ella Lucas. Congratulations, Colts!

There is no Baking Club this week.

Student Council will meet today, March 7th, from 2:30-3:30 in the Library.

Debate Club will meet this Tuesday, March 8th, from 2:30-3:30.

Japan Club will meet this Wednesday, March 9th, from 2:30-3:30.

Academic Super Bowl Social Studies will meet this Thursday, March 10th, from 2:30-3:30.

Academic Super Bowl English will not meet this week

There will be a virtual PTO Meeting tomorrow night starting at 6:30 pm. Join the Zoom HERE

There is an optional robotics practice today until 4:30 pm in Room 221. Since this is a different end-time than usual, please make sure your ride is here at 4:30 pm.

There is no Game Club this week.

The Colts’ wrestling team finished second at the WIC this past weekend. Winning for the Colts were 8th-graders Cayleb Stephens and John Orman. John Orman finished his 8th-grade season 22-0 and Cayleb Stephens finished 20-1. Second-place finishers for the Colts were Reid Lanman, Ethan Riley, Dylan Foster, Noah Webb, and Christian Fields. Wrestlers should turn in their gear to Coach Sparks.

The Athletic Department is now selling Edgewood socks for school spirit. See Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center to purchase your Edgewood socks in person today. There are two color options to choose from and two different sizes. All socks are $15.

Conditioning for any 6th, 7th, or 8th-grade student interested in competing in track & field this spring will begin after spring break on Monday, March 21st, from 2:30-4 pm. Go directly to the bleachers in the gym after the last bell of the day. Come prepared for all weather, indoors and outdoors. More information will be given out at that meeting. If you are interested but unable to attend that day, please email Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center at Please complete this interest FORM.

Volleyball open gyms to prepare for next fall will begin Friday, March 25th, from 5:30-7 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. Any 6th or 7th-grader interested in participating should fill out this Google FORM. More information will be given out on the 25th. If you are interested in participating but are unable to attend that day, please email Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center at

Why did the cat have a good day at school? He stayed paw-sitive! This joke was submitted by Fini Molica. If you would like to submit a joke for consideration please fill out this FORM.

Need homework help?

Purchase EJHS home event athletic tickets here:



EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of March 7, 2022

Monday, March 7
Detention – Room 113 (Erickson) 2:30-3:15 pm
Academic Super Bowl Math – Room 106 (Wells) 2:30-3:15 pm
Coding Club – Design Lab (Scott) 2:30-3:30 pm
Student Council Meeting – Media Center (Epperson/Rivera-Gill) 2:30-3:30 pm
Academic Super Bowl English – Room 220 (Anspaugh) 2:30-3:30 pm CANCELED
7th-Grade Girls’ Basketball County Meet @ Jackson Creek 5:30 pm
8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball County Meet @ Batchelor 5:30 pm

Tuesday, March 8
Detention – Room 113 (Erickson) 2:30-3:15 pm
Debate Club – Room 217 (M. Jones/Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-5 pm
7th-Grade Girls’ Basketball County Meet @ Jackson Creek 5:30 pm
8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball County Meet @ Batchelor 5:30 pm
EJHS Virtual PTO Meeting 6:30 pm

Wednesday, March 9
Detention – Room 113 (Erickson) 2:30-3:15 pm
Design Lab Club – Design Lab (Scott) 2:30-3:30 pm
Japan Club – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Academic Super Bowl Science – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-3:30 pm

Thursday, March 10
Detention – Room 113 (Erickson) 2:30-3:15 pm
Academic Super Bowl Social Studies – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Swimming & Diving County Meet @ Bloomington HS North 5 pm
Spring Break begins (end of day)

Friday, March 11
Spring Break – NO SCHOOL – return Monday, March 21

Saturday, March 12

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