May 12, 2022 - Edgewood Schools

May 12, 2022

Detention will be hosted by Mrs. Musselwhite in Room 213 until 3:15 today.

EJHS students – we are wanting to gather feedback from you on your interests around STEM – thank you for filling out this survey to help us better understand your needs and interests! STEM SURVEY

6th and 7th graders interested in joining the 2022-23 EJHS VEX IQ Competitive Robotics Team are invited to come to a launch party today from 2:30 until 4:30 pm in Room 221. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Grimes.

Do you want a chance to pie-face Mr. Siegelin, Mr. Pogue, or Mrs. Millick? Here is your opportunity, so listen up: Edgewood High School Girl Scout Troop #03652 will be in the gym and coming to homerooms next week on Monday, May 16th, and Tuesday, May 17th, to sell tickets “two-for-a-dollar”, so bring cash! Simply write your first and last name on the back of the tickets and place them in the buckets. We will draw one ticket from each of the three buckets on Thursday and notify the winners. Then, on Friday, May 20th, everyone is invited to come to the gym before school to watch the three get pie-faced. All proceeds will support our own EJHS Health Office.

All library books must be returned to the Media Center by May 20th.

There will be a call-out meeting for next year’s 7th and 8th graders interested in playing football at EJHS next fall. The meeting will be held today after school in the cafeteria.

The girls’ softball team traveled to Cloverdale last night. Kailyr Nichols pitched for the win in the A-game, winning with a score of 16-0. Girls with hits include Ally Bland, Ella Sproul, Addy Yearby, Ava LaRoche, Lindzey Rains Kailyr Nichols, Mallori Evans, and Madi Bland with a home run. Lillian DeSalle pitched for the win in the B=game with a score of 15-0. Girls with hits included Ryleigh Burnett, Lillian DeSalle, Lizzy Austin, Sydney Austin, Hayden Stevens, and Autumn Coon. Great job girls and good luck tonight as you face Monrovia!

Edgewood Horse Power
Who: All 6th, 7th & 8th Graders, Boys & Girls!
When: Every Friday starting May 6th 2:30-4pm, once summer starts times and days will change to Mondays & Wednesdays 4-5:30pm
Where: Edgewood Junior High School Main Gym & Wrestling/Weight Room
Google Classroom Code: 7eyp6mk
Interested? Complete this GOOGLE FORM!

Spring athletic pictures for tennis, softball, and track are available for ordering by clicking on the following links:

What do librarians take with them when they go fishing? Bookworms! If you would like to submit a joke for consideration please fill out this FORM.

Need homework help?

Purchase EJHS home event athletic tickets here:



EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of May 9, 2022

Monday, May 9
Detention – Room 213 (Musselwhite) 2:30-3:15 pm
Student Council Meeting (6-8) – Media Center (Epperson/Rivera-Gill) 2:30-3:30 pm
Tennis vs. Brown County 4:30 pm
Track & Field County Meet @ Bloomington HS North 6 pm
Softball vs. Bloomfield 6 pm

Tuesday, May 10
Detention – Room 104 (Wood) 2:30-3:15 pm
Debate Club – Room 217 (M. Jones/Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Baseball @ Eastern 5:30 pm
Softball @ Owen Valley 5:30 pm
Choral Concert @ EHS Auditorium 6:30 pm
EJHS Virtual PTO Meeting 6:30 pm

Wednesday, May 11
Detention – Room 104 (Wood) 2:30-3:15 pm
Design Lab Club – Design Lab (Scott) 2:30-3:30 pm
Japan Club – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Softball @ Cloverdale 6 pm

Thursday, May 12
Detention – Room 213 (Musselwhite) 2:30-3:15 pm
6th-Grade Band Practice & Pizza – Cafeteria (Koehler) 5:30-7:30 pm
Baseball vs. Linton-Stockton 5:30 pm CANCELED
Softball @ Monrovia 5:30 pm

Friday, May 13
Horse Power Club – Weight Room (Edgeman/Sparks/Siegelin) 2:30-4 pm
Tennis vs. Indian Creek 5:30 pm

Saturday, May 14
Track & Field WIC @ Brown County 11 am
Show Choir Banquet – Cafeteria (Doades) 4:30-9 pm

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