Today is a Blocks 1-4 day. Wednesday will be a Blocks 5-8 day.
Detention will be hosted by Ms. Walters in the Media Center from 2:30-3:15 pm today.
All library books are due now. Please turn them in as soon as possible!
All students and families are invited to the EJHS STEAM Showcase and Design Lab Open House this evening! The evening will feature displays of pieces from EJHS artists and a tour of our new Design Lab with games to play and exhibits to try out, all among the 7th & 8th-grade band concerts. Stop by anytime between 6 & 8:30 to get a taste of all things EJHS STEAM!
Did you not get a yearbook today but you really wanted one? A limited number are still available in the office first come, first served. Bring a check or $25.00 exact cash to Mrs. Fletcher in the office ASAP!
Eighth-grade boys interested in playing soccer at EHS next year should complete this Google FORM. Contact Coach Gonzalo Sanchez at with any questions. Only RBB email accounts will have access to this form.
The Edgewood High School football program will offer a youth team camp to all incoming students in grades 3-8. The Mustang Team Camp will be held the week of July 26-30 from 10:30 – Noon @ the EHS Football Field. Click HERE for additional information and instructions on how to register.
Any 8th-grade boy or girl interested in playing golf at EHS next year needs to email Mr. Lee at Coach Lee would like to get an idea of how many are interested. The girls’ season starts July 30th!
All athletes must have a physical form on file in the office before tryouts!
EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of May 24, 2021
Monday, May 24
Detention – Library (Walters) 2:30-3:15 pm
Tuesday, May 25
Detention – Library (Walters) 2:30-3:15 pm
STEAM Showcase & Design Lab Open House/Spring Art Show – Design Lab 6-8:30 pm
7th-Grade Jazz Band Concert – Multi-Purpose Room 6:30 pm
8th-Grade Band Concert – Multi-Purpose Room 7:30 pm
Wednesday, May 26
Honors & Awards Programs – Multi-Purpose Room Throughout the day
Detention – Room 208 (Ayer) 2:30-3:15 pm
Thursday, May 27
Detention – Room 208 (Ayer) 2:30-3:15 pm
Friday, May 28
Final student day – have a great summer!
Saturday, May 29