November 10, 2022 - Edgewood Schools

November 10, 2022

Tomorrow, November 11, we will be hosting local veterans with a ceremony. As a way to visibly show veterans our support, we ask that all EJHS Colts come to school dressed in their best.

Student Council would like to remind you that we are nearing the end of our Pantry 279 Mac and Cheese Food Drive! Mrs. Sample’s Homeroom already has over 100 boxes donated! How many does your Homeroom have? If you’d like a breakfast treat of your homeroom’s choice be sure to get those boxes in! Monday, November 14th is the final day for donations.

Social Studies Academic Super Bowl will be having a meeting today in room 217 from 2:30-3:30 pm. They will meet every Thursday unless notified otherwise.

The Science of Food class would like to thank everyone for a WONDERFUL kick off to our school-wide composting program! All of the items composted during the lunch periods yesterday were right on target! As a reminder, we have three compost buckets in the cafeteria. They are labeled with bright green signs that explain what items can and cannot be composted. Items that can be composted include: napkins, paper boats, fruit and vegetable scraps (this includes banana peels and apple cores!), ketchup, and BBQ sauce. Items that cannot be composted include: plastic, styrofoam, wax-coated paper products (including milk cartons), meat, dairy, mustard or ranch. We ask that you throw out items that you are unsure about to reduce the possibility of compost contamination. We look forward to improving the compost program throughout the year!

A brand new issue of Colts Chronicles has been published and is ready to view!  Check out the latest news including our Marching Mustang’s State Victory, articles about new teachers, opinion articles, reviews on video games and movies, the latest in sports, and more!  We even have a new advice column called ASK! So if you have questions about school, life, or anything, ask away at and see what your peers have to say!

Time Change: 8th Grade Night will be held on Monday, Nov. 14th at 6:00 p.m. at Edgewood High School.  All 8th graders and their parents/guardians should plan to attend if at all possible.  You will receive important information about high school scheduling for next school year.  High school counselors will begin meeting with 8th graders about their high school schedules on Monday, Nov. 21st.

Just a reminder that all athletic events as of 11/1 will be cashless. You can use this GoFan link to prepurchase tickets or use our card reader at the door.

We will be using GoFan to collect transportation fees this season. The cost is $30 and must be paid before the first competition.

Picture retakes are now available to view online. Use the following link to view and order online.

6th Grade Boys Basketball Information: 
Open Gyms – 11/21 and 11/28 from 5:30-7 pm
Tryouts- 11/30 & 12/2  5:30-7 pm

7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball Information: 
Open Gyms: Any 7th & 8th Grade Girl is welcome to come to any of the open gyms. A physical must be on file to participate and try out.
4-5:30 pm – 11/1, 11/8, 11/10, 11/17, and 12/1
5:30-7 pm – 11/15 and 11/29
7th Grade Tryouts- 12/6 & 12/7 4-5:30 pm
8th Grade Tryouts- 12/8 & 12/9 4-5:30 pm

Students if you’re not feeling well report to the Health Office. The Health Aide will contact your parent if you need to go home. By-passing the Health Office and contacting your parent yourself will be an unexcused absence. Parents, if your student contacts you, please refer them to the Health Office.

Football, XC, Tennis, and Volleyball season have ended but the training never stops! Keep in shape and work hard to be even stronger next season! Come to horsepower and work on speed, agility, strength, and conditioning. Every Friday in the main gym right after school until 4 pm.

Love Pizza X? Love EJHS? Eat pizza from Pizza X and save the Proof-Of-Purchase (POP) tabs from the pizza boxes. Ask your friends and family to save them as well. Each Proof-Of-Purchase tab is worth 25 cents and helps support our school by providing extra funds. POP tabs will be doubled to 50 cents the week of November 14th!! Bring your tabs to the Main Office anytime throughout the year.

The Athletic Department is now selling Edgewood socks for school spirit. See Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center to purchase your Edgewood socks in person today. There are two color options to choose from and two different sizes. All socks are $15.

The EJHS EdgeShop is now open – featuring designs and creations from our EJHS students! Come check out our student-made products and support the design lab. – you can see examples of products in the case outside Mrs. Guest-Scott’s room, or by clicking the link in the announcements or on the QR code on the fliers.

Students if you have a physical form please turn that into the office as soon as possible. We will be using GoFan to collect transportation fees this season. The cost is $30 and must be paid before the first competition.

Winter School Sports Spirit Days
Tuesday, 11/15 – 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball – White Out
Wednesday, 11/16 – 6th Grade Girls Basketball – Edgewood Day
Thursday, 11/17 – 8th Grade Boys Basketball – Black Out

EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of November 7, 2022

Monday, November 7
Mini Warehouse Rehearsal (EHS Choir Room) 6-9 pm

Tuesday, November 8
7th/8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball Open Gym 4-5:30 pm
6th-Grade Girls’ Basketball vs Mitchell (Home) – GoFan Link 6:00 pm

Wednesday, November 9
Detention – Room 110 (Sigman) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4
EJHS Design Lab Club – Room 223 2:30-3:30 pm
8th-Grade Girls Basketball Open Gym 4-5:30 pm

Thursday, November 10
Detention – Room 120 (Kensek) 2:30-3:15 pm
Social Studies Academic Super Bowl – Room 217 (Jones) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4
7th/8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball Open Gym 4-5:30 pm
6th-Grade Girls’ Basketball @ Owen Valley (AWAY) 6-9 pm

Friday, November 11
EJHS Horsepower – Room 207 2:30-4

Saturday, November 12
Mini Warehouse Lock In 12-8 pm

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