Detention will be hosted by Mrs. Wells in room 106 until 3:15 am today.
Vision testing for 8th-graders will take place tomorrow. Students should remember to wear their glasses or contacts.
Students who are interested in learning about auto mechanics, welding, cooking, child care, fire fighting, EMT, computer science, AND MORE should visit the Hoosier Hills Career Center Open House. The Open House takes place on Thursday, October 21 from 6-8 pm. Students interested in learning more about these career fields will have the opportunity to take classes at Hoosier Hills during 11th and 12th grades. It’s never too early to start thinking about your future! Click this Flyer for more info.
Colts Chronicles is publishing a very special Halloween issue, coming soon. Do you like to write short stories and scary tales? We are holding a Halloween 2021 Short Story Contest! This is your chance to create an original short story and have a chance to win. First, second, and third place winners will get their article on the website, and a prize for their respective place. Check out to see all of the rules for the competition. It must be submitted by October 25 at 11:59 pm to Ashton Crosley ( We won’t be taking late submissions, so get them in soon! Let the most thrilling story win!
Colts Chronicles is hosting a virtual Halloween Costume Contest! It’s simple: Dress up in your best Halloween costume and take a picture! Submit your pictures on the website at All accepted submissions will be published in the upcoming Halloween issue, and readers will vote on the winning costumes. The three people with the most votes will receive candy bars of their choice. Submissions must be in by Oct. 25, 2021.
Picture retakes from Kirkwood Photo Lab are available to view by clicking HERE.
It’s October which means it’s National Bullying Prevention Month! Here at EJHS we want to acknowledge that bullying is a problem for students nationwide and we are committed to educating our students on how to identify, report, and stand up against bullying behaviors. We invite you to wear ORANGE on Wednesday, October 20th, to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion and send a visible message that no student should ever experience bullying.
Debate Club will meet this Tuesday, October 19th, from 2:30-3:30 in Mrs. Jones’ room.
Student Council is challenging all homerooms to a cornbread drive competition. The 6th-grade, 7th-grade, and 8th-grade homerooms that collect the most cornbread will win doughnut parties! The last day of the drive is Friday, October 29th.
Japan Club will meet this Wednesday, October 20th, from 2:30-3:30 in Ms. Epperson’s room.
Are you interested in learning more about our neighbors to the north, aka Canada? Academic Super Bowl will have its call-out meeting next Monday, October 25th, from 2:30-3:00 in Ms. Epperson’s room.
EJHS will be hosting Pumpkinfest on October 29th from 5-9 pm. Please join us for trunk or treating (email to reserve a spot), contests, raffles, an auction, and more! Click here Comprehensive Pumpkinfest Flyer 2021 or Jack O Lantern Contest-Pumpkinfest.png for additional information. October 30th will be the rain date.
Parent participants are needed for Pumpkinfest! Ms. Jones and Mrs. Millick are looking for participants to set up parking spots to hand out pre-packaged treats on October 29th. Decorate your car and/or dress up! The rain date is October 30th.
4:30-5:00 setup (in the parking lot by the tennis courts)
5:00-6:30 trunk or treat hours
6:30-6:45 cleanup and exit
Use this LINK to sign up for a spot to help or participate.
Need homework help?
Today is your last chance to get registered in advance for the first-ever Youth Volleyball League. Check your email or click on this LINK for more information!
Softball conditioning will be held after school today.
After-school weights will be on Mondays instead of Tuesdays starting today.
Open gym for 8th-grade girls’ basketball will be held on Wednesday, October 20th, from 4-5:30 pm. Additional dates will be announced later.
Open gym for 7th-grade boys basketball will be held on the 19th and 21st from 5:30 -7 pm. Email Coach Truax for more details at
Purchase EJHS home event athletic tickets here:
EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of October 18, 2021
Monday, October 18
Detention – Room 106 (Wells) 2:30-3:15 pm
Girls’ Coding Camp – Design Lab (Scott) 2:30-3:30 pm
Tuesday, October 19
8th-Grade Eye Exams
Detention – Room 116 (Cowden) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Baking Club – Room 212 (Koontz) 2:30-4 pm
Debate Club – Room 217 (Jones) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-5 pm
Mini-Warehouse Choreography Night @ EHS Auditorium 6-9 pm
Wednesday, October 20
Detention – Room 106 (Wells) 2:30-3:15 pm
Japan Club – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Thursday, October 21
eLearning Day (no in-person school for students)
Friday, October 22
Report cards available in Harmony – end of day
Game Club – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4 pm
Saturday, October 23