NO Baking Club this week.
Student Council will meet after school today in the library from 2:30-3:30. Students who can not make this meeting need to email, Mrs. Schlemmer and Mrs. Straw. Student Council Members can be picked up at the Main Entrance at 3:30.
EJHS is pleased to offer our students a monthly career panel with our community partners at The Success School! October’s career panel is Friday, October 21st. Join us in the Multipurpose Room as we learn from health science professionals from Ivy Tech’s departments of nursing, respiratory therapy, and optometry technicians. If interested, sign up here!
Colts Chronicles is hosting two Halloween competitions. There’s a costume contest and a scary story contest. Find the competition details at
Are you really good at studying? Do you wear the label of “nerd” as a badge of honor? Have you ever wanted to win a trophy and defeat other schools in an academic competition? If so, then you should join Academic Super Bowl! It’s kind of like sports, but for your brain! There will be teams for English, math, science, and social studies. The topic this year is the Age of Exploration. If you are interested, there will be a callout meeting after school on October 27th in Mr. Anspaugh’s room.
Boys Basketball Information: You must have a physical on file for tryouts.
7th Grade Boys:
Tryouts: 10/18 & 10/19 (2:30-4 pm)
8th Grade Boys:
Tryouts: 10/18 (5:30-pm) & 10/19 (2:30-4 pm)
7th and 8th grade Parents & Guardians- We will be hosting a 21st Century Scholars information session on Wednesday, November 2nd 6-7:30 in the EJHS cafe. Parents/Guardians- If you are interested in attending please RSVP through this google form
School Smiles is coming on October 28th! Please have the completed forms back to the Health Office no later than October 24th. If you need a paper copy contact the EJHS Health Office.
EJHS Fall Flu and Covid Clinic will be held at EJHS, Wednesday, November 9th. Please have the completed forms returned to the EJHS Health Office no later than November 2nd. If you need a paper copy contact the EJHS Heath Office.
Pumpkinfest–We Need Your Help!
Who else is excited for RBB Edgewood Schools Pumpkin Fest? We sure are! To ensure this event is a success, we need lots of help from our community. If you’re so inclined, please consider volunteering–we need a hand hosting trunk-or-treat spots, parking, setup/clean-up, and event check-in. Please sign up online here:
Thanksgiving Food Drive for Pantry 279 (See Flyer)
Your EJHS Student Council and PTO have combined efforts to collect boxes of macaroni and cheese to donate to Pantry 279 for their Thanksgiving food basket drive. Any brand of macaroni and cheese is great—please bring them to your homerooms 10/24—11/14; the homeroom that collects the most boxes will win a surprise breakfast treat/prize!
Pantry 279 works tirelessly to feed our local community and they rely on the kindness and generosity of our people to help—they are planning on building nearly 2200 boxes/meals this Thanksgiving! Our goal is to collect 500 boxes of macaroni and cheese.
The Athletic Department is now selling Edgewood socks for school spirit. See Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center to purchase your Edgewood socks in person today. There are two color options to choose from and two different sizes. All socks are $15.
EJHS Kirkwood School Picture online ordering is now available! You can also purchase Fall Sports pictures online by using this link. Picture re-takes have been scheduled for October 25th.
EJHS Yearbook 2023 editors are collecting pictures for the fall sports pages in the yearbook. If you have any pictures, please either:
1) upload them to the link: or
2) share/email them with our sponsor, Mrs. Millick at or
3) text them to our sponsor Mrs. Millick via Google Voice at (812) 727-0680
The EJHS EdgeShop is now open – featuring designs and creations from our EJHS students! Come check out our student-made products and support the design lab. – you can see examples of products in the case outside Mrs. Guest-Scott’s room, or by clicking the link in the announcements or on the QR code on the fliers.
EHS Cheer/Basketball Spirit Wear Sale
Our fall Edgewood cheer/basketball spirit store is now open for business! Snag your Edgewood basketball and cheer apparel and 100% of all proceeds directly benefit our team program. The store is open NOW – 10/23; everything will be delivered by 11/4–just in time for our fall season to kick off! Shop Now!
Students if you have a physical form please turn that in to the office as soon as possible. We will be using GoFan to collect transportation fees this season. The cost is $30 and must be paid before the first competition.
EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of October 17, 2022
Monday, October 17
Detention – Room 204 (Campbell) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Girls Coding Club -Room 223 (Design Lab) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4 pm
Mini Warehouse Rehearsal (EHS Choir Room) 6-9 pm
Tuesday, October 18
Detention – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Student Council Meeting – Room 105 (Library) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4 pm
Wednesday, October 19
Detention – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4
Thursday, October 20
Detention – Room 204 (Campbell) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Art Club – Room 216 (Millick) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4
Mini Warehouse Rehearsal (EHS Choir Room) 6-9 pm
Friday, October 21
EJHS Horsepower – Room 207 2:30-4
Saturday, October 22