EHS Contact Us - Edgewood Schools

General Questions

Edgewood High School

Main Office

Guidance Department


Susan Harrington
School Based Therapist
Dennis Faust
Guidance Counselor
Dr. Aerin Welch
School Psychologist
Zoë Vriesman
Guidance Counselor
Amy Winkler
Guidance Counselor
Abby Yeargin
Adult and Child Specialist
Pam Waterford
Guidance Secretary

Teaching Staff


Ginny Althoff
Special Ed Teacher
Christian Axsiom
English Teacher
Justin Barger
Behavior Intervention Specialist
Teresa Bland
Special Ed Teacher
Caroline Boisvert-Storey
Science Teacher
Katherine Brookman
Science Teacher
Julie Byers
World Language Teacher
Harrison Carmichael
Special Ed Teacher
Brittney Clay
World Language Teacher
Taylor Ferguson
Agriculture Teacher
Katelyn Flood
Science Teacher
Claire Graham
English Teacher
Melissa Junken
English Teacher
Garry Lee
Social Studies Teacher
Meghann Manwaring
Special Ed Teacher
Rachel Mathias
English Teacher
Tara Maxwell-Stewart
Special Ed Teacher
Micah Mobley
Social Studies Teacher
Becky Myers
Special Ed Teacher
Stacia Myers
Business Teacher
Amy Norris
World Language Teacher
Shane O'Bannon
World Language Teacher
Kristi Parker-LaRoche
Special Ed Teacher
Brian Paulsen
Choral Music Teacher
Robin Taft
PE/Health Teacher
Jay Thrasher
Social Studies Teacher
Brittany Tucker
Business & Marketing Teacher
Austin Tucker
Special Ed Teacher
Gabriel Turner
Strength and Conditioning Teacher
Matt Wadsworth
Computer Science Teacher
Aaron Wells
Instrumental Music Teacher
Doug Wilson
Social Studies Teacher
Kyle Winkler
Social Studies Teacher

Instructional Assistant


John Justis
Instructional Assistant – In-School Suspension
Casi Byers
Instructional Assistant
Daisha Wilcoxson
Edge Assistant
Andrea Fultz
Instructional Assistant
Regina Lovell
Instructional Assistant
Amy Myers
Instructional Assistant
Mac Kido
Instructional Assistant
Lisa Wilson
Instructional Assistant

Custodial Staff

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