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Edgewood School’s Programs

At Edgewood we offer a dynamic range of programs to help every student receive the best possible education. Our programs create engaging and empowering experiences that nurture the whole child.

Ambassadors (EIS, EPS)

At EPS each classroom has a Classroom Ambassador that assists the teacher with teacher assigned responsibilities and may run errands outside of the classroom.

In 2nd grade each class has a Classroom Ambassador and two EPS Ambassadors. EPS Ambassadors assist Mrs. Whitaker and Mr. Wooden with school-wide functions such as book reads, convocations, and occasionally an evening program.

At EIS each classroom has two ambassadors. Ambassadors assist with school-wide functions, convocations, recycling, and other events and programs.

If you have questions or want more information contact EIS or EPS.

EPS: 812-876-9600

EIS: 812-876-2219

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EHS Marching Band/Color Guard:

The EHS Marching Band and Color Guard have earned numerous awards and continue to be a top competitor at every event. 

Learn more about the Marching Mustangs here: http://www.edgewoodmusic.org/

Aaron Wells

Music Teacher

EJHS Band:

Student’s have the opportunity to take band as a class in all 3 grade levels.

Curt Koehler

Instrumental Music

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EHS Choir:

Music Warehouse, now in it’s 41st year – has gained national recognition through participating in various competitions throughout the United States. They have performed throughout the US and are consistently top contenders in every contest they enter.

Sophisticated Ladies, the 44-member choir from Edgewood High School, has been performing for 31 years! They have traveled from coast to coast entertaining audiences, winning various caption awards, and capturing several Grand Champion trophies.

New Edition is Edgewood’s beginning mixed show choir comprised of mostly freshmen and sophomore students who have never performed in a show choir. New Edition is known for performing exciting and entertaining shows and has been proven to be a top contenders in the varsity and Small Mixed divisions.

Edgewood Singers is comprised of 30 on-stage musicians. They perform in a number of concerts and community events throughout the school year, as well as the high school’s annual holiday production, ‘Tis The Season”.

Learn more: Choir Website

Brian Paulsen

Choir/Show Choir


EJHS Mini Warehouse/Choir:

Mini Warehouse is a show choir that is proud to have entertained audiences for decades as one of the most established junior high show choirs in the Midwest. The group is made up of 42 performers from the 7th and 8th grades. In recent years, Mini Warehouse has achieved Grand Champion honors in several contests.

EJHS has 3 different choirs. Harmony for 8th graders, Accents for 7th graders, and a 6th Grade Choir.

All 3 choirs participate in the annual Christmas and Spring Concerts. Harmony also participates in the Veteran’s Day Convocation and in the Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) festival.

Harmony and Accents are both advanced concert choirs with students excelling in both vocal technique and music theory skills. 6th Grade Choir is a beginning concert choir with a range of musical backgrounds.

EJHS Choir Website: https://www.ejhschoirs.org/home

Kyra Campbell

Choir/Show Choir


EIS Euphonic Choir:

The Euphonic Choir is open for 5th graders to participate in. The choir performs at many events including IU women’s basketball games, volleyball games, our Veterans Day program, the Fall Festival, and more!

Lisa Bruns

Music Teacher


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Coffee Corral (EHS)

Edgewood High School’s Coffee Corral is a student run business located in our Media Center/Library. Students have been involved in every step of the process to make this coffee shop a reality. From creating a business plan and pitching it, creating the layout for the kitchen and pricing out equipment, creating recipes that follow nutritional guidelines, designing the logo, painting the mural around the shop, managing employees and running the business, and more!

This business helps students learn important skills, through real world experiences, that they can take with them after graduation.

If you have questions or want more information contact:

Jennifer Barrett

Director of Teaching, Learning & Ready Schools


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Design Lab (EJHS)

The Design Lab at EJHS is a collaborative space for our students to design and create. One side is set up for collaborative planning, digital design, and 3D printing. The other is a messy side and is set up to create and construct. It provides workbenches, tools, and equipment for students including laser cutter, router, sanders, saws, and many other tools for our student to create with.

The Design Lab is integrated into every class, giving students the ability to be hands on with real world, project-based learning.

If you have questions about the design lab or would like to partner with us for a project contact:

Meighan Scott

Ready Schools Coach


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Eagle Eye News (EIS)

5th Graders are given the opportunity to join the Eagle Eye News broadcasting team. This team records daily announcements for the school, allowing students to learn through authentic, project-based learning. The anchors write a script and work on presentation skills, while the tech crew films and edits to make a final cut to post online.

EdgeMedia (EJHS)

EdgeMedia at EJHS is the Media Production Program of Edgewood Junior High School. They are a student-run media production team that learns in authentic contexts, while partnering with community organizations and learning from professionals in the field. Students take charge of every step in the process: talking with clients, planning videos, recording, and editing. Members are caring for our community, daring to do courageous work, and preparing for their futures.

If you have questions or want more information contact:

Ken Grile

EdgeMedia Teacher


High Ability

Edgewood is committed to providing an exceptional level of differentiated instruction for our identified high ability students in all grade levels. Watch this video or click here to learn more about our high ability program.

If you have questions or want more information contact:

Jennifer Barrett

Director of Teaching, Learning & Ready Schools


Innovative Learning Center (EHS)

The Innovative Learning Center (ILC) at EHS is a collaborative space for students to design and create. The center is divided into 4 different areas:

  1.  “Clean” Lab
    • Set up for collaborative planning, digital design, 3D printing, and more.
  2. Dirty Lab
    • Set up to create and construct. It includes workbenches, tools, and equipment for students including a laser cutter, CNC router, sanders, saws, and many other tools for our student to create with.
  3. Audio Video
    • Set up with a collaboration area, podcast studio, and video/photography studio. Includes professional equipment for students to learn to create podcasts, radio shows, videos, product photographs, and more.
  4. Presentation Room
    • Set up for community engagement, student presentations, and more.

The ILC is not a class in itself, it is an area for students to create, learn, innovate, and engage in their education. It is integrated into every class, giving students the ability to be hands on with real world, project-based learning.

If you have questions about the ILC or would like to partner with us for a project contact:

Jennifer Barrett

Director of Teaching, Learning & Ready Schools


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Makerspace (EPS/EIS)

The Makerspace serves two purposes at EPS and EIS. It is a design space for students to come in to make, create, and design prototypes, and it is a place where teachers can come to do the messier activities that relate to their curriculum.

The Makerspace is also home to our Robotics Team and Eagle Eye News Broadcast.

If you have questions about the Makerspace or would like to partner with us for a project contact:

Mariah Bruce



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Media Center/Library

The Media Centers are filled with both digital and physical resources for students to use. We are focused on encouraging collaboration between our students and giving them the tools they need to succeed in classes and to explore their interests. 


There is a wide variety of books from different genres as well as many state award winners. There are also tables for students to collaborate at, quiet study rooms, a presentation space, and a student run coffee shop.

Click Here to learn more.

Nancy VanAllen

Media Center/ Library



There are a wide variety of books from different genres as well as many state award winners. There is also 9 TVs hooked up to Google Cast which allows students to share their laptop on the tv resulting in better collaboration on group projects. 

Liz Edgeman

Library Assistant


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Edgewood has robotics teams at EIS, EJHS, and EHS. Students work in teams to build robots and program them to compete in events against teams from other schools. 

If you have questions or want more information contact your students school.

EIS: 812-876-2219

EJHS: 812-876-2005

EHS: 812-876-2277

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Special Education

Edgewood Special Education services strive to ensure all students are given the highest quality education that meets their individual academic, social, emotional, and functional needs.  Edgewood is part of a Special Education Cooperative with Spencer Owen Community Schools, called Forest Hills Special Education Cooperative. 

Click HERE for more information.

If you have questions or want more information contact:

Jennifer Anderson

Director of Student Services


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Theater Arts (EHS)

The Edgewood High School Theatre Arts program strives to provide students and the Ellettsville community with exemplary theatrical productions. Students are provided with opportunities to grow, learn and develop through the Theatre Arts to prepare them to achieve their personal and professional goals beyond High School. Students can get involved in the many different aspects of theater including acting, set design and construction, lighting, costumes, and more!

Click HERE for more information and for upcoming performance dates. 


If you have questions or want more information contact:

Ever Aroca

Theater Director


Kyra Campbell

Choir/Show Choir


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Ready Schools

Ready Schools is our commitment and our plan to ensure success for our students post-graduation and to ensure economic prosperity for our community.

We want our students to leave Edgewood with advantages and experiences and a plan for post-graduation success. We want them to understand the relevance of their learning. We want employers and community leaders to covet partnerships with our teachers and students for the value we can bring to our entire community. At Edgewood we understand and embrace our responsibility to ensure economic prosperity for our community by providing skilled workers and leaders, who can be retained within our regional workforce, and who will also feel empowered to contribute to our local economy. 

We know all students aren’t on the same path for after graduation, so our Ready Schools program meets every student where they are at. Whether they are going on to college, the military, an apprenticeship, or job, we want to give every student the chance to find their passion and create a plan they are confident in to purse. We are doing this by diversifying our learning experiences to give every student knowledge of the real world, so they are confident to follow whatever plan they are passionate about. 

At Edgewood, our Ready Schools Initiative starts in preschool and continues all the way through high school. Some of the ways we implement our Ready Schools Initiative is through the following programs: STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math), Project Based Learning, Project Lead the Way Curriculum, the Innovative Learning Center, Internships, Career Exploration, Industry Partnerships, the Coffee Corral, the Design Lab, EdgeMedia, and the Makerspace.

Innovative approaches to learning, like Ready Schools, require systemic collaboration and ultimately benefit the community as a whole. We would love to partner with you through our Ready Schools program.

If you have questions or want more information contact:

Jennifer Barrett

Director of Teaching, Learning & Ready Schools


Student Services

We use our Student Services to advocate for our students and their needs. We believe it is important to focus on each child as a whole and support them in all of their needs. The following programs are part of the Students Services we provide.


Social-Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a key element to our students’ success not only as a prepared workforce but as well-rounded, resilient members of our community. It is for this reason that we are committed to providing every teacher with the professional learning they need to support their students emotionally as much as academically.

Social/Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies involve the processes through which students acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor, & Schellinger, 2011)

SEL is not politically or religiously affiliated and is not critical race theory. Per IC 20-19-5, IDOE SEL is required by law in the State of Indiana.

Title 1

Title 1 is a Federally Funded Program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

The mission of Title I is to provide a continuum of services and resources to Title I districts and charter schools that enrich curriculum and instruction, promote interaction and coordination of supplementary services and resources, and result in excellence and high expectations for educators and students.


Creating successful schools through the blending of brain research, character education, and collaboration strategies.

What is C.L.A.S.S.?
C.L.A.S.S. is an organization driven by creativity and innovation. Led by a faculty of extraordinary educators, C.L.A.S.S. transforms research-based ideas into exceptional educational services and materials to aid in preparing future generations for their world.

Click HERE for more information.

Service Providers

Dyslexia Screeners: iReady Dyslexia Screener & Orton Gillingham Dyslexia Screener

McKinney Vento Liaison for Edgewood Schools:

Jill Cronin


If you have questions about our Student Services or want more information contact:

Jennifer Anderson

Director of Student Services


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