Edgewood Early Childhood Center
7700 W Reeves Rd
Bloomington, IN 47404
t. 812-935-0160
f. 812-876-9603

Mrs. Heather Kensek
At EECC, we know that a whole-child approach to education, where children develop not only math and literacy skills but also social-emotional, physical, and cognitive skills, is developmentally appropriate and better prepares children for life well beyond their time in a classroom. We provide our children opportunities to play and learn in community with peers and loving adults, where they build friendships, explore their interests, and take creative risks in a safe environment.
- We believe that all children have the capacity to learn and grow as
individuals. - We believe that young children learn best by doing and through play.
- We believe that children learn through active involvement with their
environment. - We believe that each new experience adds to the learning process.