Edgewood High School
601 S. Edgewood Dr.
Ellettsville, IN 47429
t. 812.876.2277
f. 812-876-9163

Mr. Dirk Ackerman

Assistant Principal
Ms. Alicia Dirk

Assistant Principal
Mr. Jordan Key
The vision of Edgewood High School is one that encompasses the school community, student learning, life skills and career preparation.
- Students acquire social and environmental awareness through example and action.
- Students enjoy going to school where they find a safe, welcoming atmosphere.
Student Learning
- Students are engaged in the learning process, and they understand the importance of education.
- Students think critically, work cooperatively, and engage in problem-solving.
- Mastery of academic skills enables all students to achieve optimal levels of personal achievement.
- Students acquire and integrate knowledge across disciplines.
- Students demonstrate information literacy by gathering, evaluating, and acting on information.
- Students are proficient users of technology.
Students communicate effectively. - Students are nurtured in a personal, flexible community that fosters learning in a variety of styles.
Life Skills/ Career
- Students prepare successfully for proactive citizenship in a diverse society.
- Students form habits for a healthy lifestyle and constructive decision-making.
- Students commit to their future plans, pursue their personal and professional goals and assume responsibility for their own actions.
- Students benefit from challenging curriculum and effective instruction that enables top achievement in higher education and career pursuits.
- Students prepare for the world of work and independent living by planning, adapting, solving problems and learning life skills.