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August 10, 2023 - Edgewood Schools

August 10, 2023


Week of August 7, 2023

Wednesday, August 9, 2023
1st Day of School!

Thursday, August 10, 2023
Girls Varsity Volleyball @ Cascade (Scrimmage) 6:00 PM
Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Brown County 5:00 PM

Friday, August 11, 2023
Varsity Football vs. North Putnam 7:00 PM

Saturday, August 12, 2023
Varsity Volleyball @ Mooresville 9:00 AM
Varsity Cross Country @ South Putnam 9:00 AM
Girls V Soccer vs. Greenwood Christian Academy 10:00 AM


Student Council: Interested in joining Student Council? We will be having a call-out meeting in Miss Brookman’s room (E108) on Wednesday, August 16th from 2:35-2:50! Please let Miss Brookman or Mrs. Boisvert-Storey know if you have any questions.

Class Meetings: Class meetings will take place this Friday in the auditorium at the following times:
Grade 9: 8:30-9:10
Grade 10: 9:20-10:00
Grade 11: 12:30-1:10
Grade 12: 1:20-2:00

Student Drivers: All students who plan to drive to school must have a completed Parking Permit Registration on file with the school even if the car has been previously registered by another EHS student/sibling and already has a parking tag. Every car in the student parking lot must be registered to the current driver.

  • Students who have registered as drivers in a previous year and have not changed vehicles are not required to register again.
  • After you have filled out the form, bring your driver’s license and $1 cash to Mr. Latham in the school office ASAP to receive your sticker.

Chromebooks: If you are a student and do not have a Chromebook, please visit Mrs. Vanallen in the Media Center. Any issues, repairs, etc. also need to go to the Media Center.

Kirkwood Yearbook Pictures: Tuesday, August 22. Seniors still needing Senior Yearbook Photos can have them taken at this time. Seniors needing retakes will have those taken on retake day.


Students who would like to request to see their counselor should complete this Google form: Request to See Your Counselor. The form should only be completed using the student’s RBB email. Students may not request schedule changes based on teacher or period preference.

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