EJHS students will be taking iReady benchmark tests this week. The tests require earphones. Students need to have their earphones with them at school each day. Please remember to pack them along with your charged Chromebook.
Detention will be hosted by Mrs. Wells in Room 106 until 3:15 pm today.
EJHS will be celebrating Spirit Week this week!
*Today is Multiples Day. Dress the same as a friend, a teacher, or a whole group! The more, the merrier!
*Pajama Days will be on Wednesday and Thursday. Wear your best pajamas! Make sure your pajamas are following the school’s dress code and are weather appropriate. If these rules are not followed, there will be consequences.
*Edgewood Day will be on Friday. Show your school spirit and wear some Edgewood gear!
All Student Council members (6th, 7th, and 8th) who are on the Blue Team (A-K) will meet today from 2:30-3:30 pm in Ms. Epperson’s room (Room 121).
All Student Council members (6th, 7th, and 8th) who are on the Orange Team (L-Z) will meet on Wednesday, January 13th, from 2:30-3:30 pm in Ms. Epperson’s room (Room 121).
Book Club will meet Wednesday, January 13th, from 3:30-4:30 pm via ZOOM.
Academic Super Bowl Social Studies members who are on the Blue Team (A-K) will meet this Thursday, January 14th, from 2:30-3:30 pm in Ms. Epperson’s room (Room 121). Members who are on the Orange Team will join the practice via Zoom.
The Yearbook editors still need your help getting winter sports photos! Please submit photos by uploading jpg images (not heic) to https://images.jostens.com/415469191 from a phone or a computer.
Eighth-graders – don’t forget to complete the Google form to choose this year’s 8th-grade superlatives for the 2021 yearbook. If you fill out the form, your vote will help choose who is the most athletic, the best artist, and more. So check your email for the link, fill out the form by next Friday, January 15th, and make your vote count!
Any student interested in joining the swim or dive team, please join the google classroom with code se24dnq for more information! The season starts Tuesday, January 19th.
Are you interested in playing softball for EJHS this year? Would you like to get in a few workouts before tryouts? Join us on January 21st from 2:30-3:30 pm for an optional workout. We will meet in room 217. Bus transportation will not be available, so be sure to make other arrangements.
All athletes must have a physical form on file in the office before tryouts!
EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of January 11, 2021
Monday, January 11
Spirit Week – Multiples Day
Detention – Room 106 (Wells) 2:30-3:15 pm
Academic Super Bowl – Science Meeting – Room 111 (Grimes) 2:30-3:30 pm
7th-Grade Girls’ Basketball vs Bloomfield (no 8th-Grade game) 6 pm
Tuesday, January 12
Spirit Week – Multiples Day
Detention – Room 106 (Wells) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Robotics Team Meeting – Room 221 (Grimes/Hillenburg) 2:20-5 p.m.
6th-Grade Boys’ Basketball @ St. Charles 6 pm – CANCELED
7th-Grade Boys’ Basketball vs Tri-North 6 pm
Wednesday, January 13
Spirit Week – Pajama Day
Art Club Virtual Meeting 3-3:45 pm
6th-Grade Boys’ Basketball vs. North Clay 6 pm
7th-Grade/8th-Grade Girls’ Basketball @ White River Valley 6 pm
Thursday, January 14
Spirit Week – Pajama Day
Detention – Room 116 (Cowden) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Robotics Team Meeting – Room 221 (Grimes/Hillenburg) 2:20-5 pm
Academic Super Bowl – Social Studies Zoom Meeting (Epperson) 3-4 pm
8th-Grade Boys’ Basketball @ Tri-North 6 pm
Friday, January 15
Spirit Week – Edgewood Day
Saturday, January 16
7th-Grade Boys’ Basketball WIC East @ Owen Valley 10 am
8th-Grade Boys’ Basketball WIC East @ EJHS 10 am