March 21, 2022 - Edgewood Schools

March 21, 2022

Detention will be hosted by Miss Musselman in Room 102 until 3:15 pm.

Students are reminded that only water bottles are allowed in class – no soda or energy drinks!

There is no Baking Club today or tomorrow. We will meet next week.

Math Academic Super Bowl practice is canceled for today.

Congratulations to our junior high members of the Indoor Percussion and Winter Guard who both qualified for their state finals in the upcoming weeks. Everyone is invited to a public preview for both groups this Friday night at 7 pm in the EHS gym and admission is free.

English Academic Super Bowl will meet today from 2:30 to 3:30 in Mr. Anspaugh’s room.

Debate Club will meet tomorrow from 2:30-3:30.

Japan Club will meet this Wednesday, March 23rd, from 2:30-4:30.

Academic Super Bowl Social Studies will meet this Thursday, March 24, from 2:30-3:30.

8th-grade students and parents: Please submit two photos for use in the end-of-the-year memory slideshow to be shown at EJHS Honors and Awards Day. ALL students will be represented. One image should be a current photo of you–school-related if possible, but not your school yearbook portrait. The other should be from when you were young. Please upload good quality, school-appropriate .jpeg images to the online link by the Friday after Spring Break, March 25th. (You may have to copy the URL and paste it into a browser for it to work.) Email Mrs. Millick with any questions at

Congratulations to the Colt swimmers and divers for an amazing end of the season at the County Championship Meet. The girls finished as runners-up with almost every swim by both teams being personal records. County champions include Avery Dunham and Anthony Straw in diving and Ellie Vagedes in the 100 IM and 50 Fly, who also broke her third school record this year. Don’t forget about our end-of-the-season celebration tomorrow night. Please go to Google Classroom and fill out the online form.

Girls’ softball tryouts will be this week on Tuesday and Wednesday after school until 4:30. The first team practice will be Thursday if you make the team. Please prepare to be indoors. Parents should pick you up at Door 7. Be sure you have filled out the online form and have a current physical on file or you will not be allowed to participate.

The Athletic Department is selling Edgewood socks for school spirit. See Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center to purchase your Edgewood socks in person today. There are two color options to choose from and two different sizes. All socks are $15.

Girl’s tennis practice begins tomorrow night from 5-6:30! Bring a racket and dress for the weather! Remember that we welcome girls of all ability levels and hope that you will join the team to learn the fundamentals of tennis, stay fit, and most importantly, have fun! Fill out this FORM to sign up!

Conditioning for any 6th, 7th, or 8th-grade student interested in competing in track & field this spring will begin today from 2:30-4 pm. Go directly to the bleachers in the gym after the last bell of the day. Come prepared for all weather, indoors and outdoors.

Volleyball open gyms to prepare for next fall will begin this Friday, March 25th, from 5:30-7 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. Any 6th or 7th-grader interested in participating should fill out this Google FORM. More information will be given out on the 25th. If you are interested in participating but are unable to attend that day, please email Ms. Edgeman in the Media Center at

How is duct tape like the force? There is a light side, a dark side and it holds the universe together! This joke was submitted by Anonymous. If you would like to submit a joke for consideration please fill out this FORM.

Need homework help?

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EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of March 21, 2022

Monday, March 21
Detention – Room 102 (Musselman) 2:30-3:15 pm
Coding Club – Design Lab (Scott) 2:30-3:30 pm
Academic Super Bowl English – Room 220 (Anspaugh) 2:30-3:30 pm

Tuesday, March 22
Detention – Room 117 (Grubb) 2:30-3:15 pm
Debate Club – Room 217 (M. Jones/Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Baking Club – Room 212 (Koontz) 2:30-4 pm CANCELED
Swimming & Diving End-of-Season Celebration – Cafeteria 6-8 pm

Wednesday, March 23
Detention – Room 102 (Musselman) 2:30-3:15 pm
Design Lab Club – Design Lab (Scott) 2:30-3:30 pm
Japan Club – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Academic Super Bowl Science – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-5 pm

Thursday, March 24
Detention – Room 117 (Grubb) 2:30-3:15 pm
Academic Super Bowl Social Studies – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm

Friday, March 25
Game Club – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-4 pm

Saturday, March 26

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