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September 23, 2021 - Edgewood Schools

September 23, 2021

Detention will be hosted by Mrs. Hastings in Room 109 until 3:15 pm today.

The first Art Club meeting of the year will be held today from 2:30 to 3:30. Please have a ride pick you up at Door 1. You can join the Google Classroom with code awn22v2 to get Club updates. At this meeting, we will be participating in a local art contest for the Hoosier Hills Food Bank calendar.

Hey Colts! The latest issue of your school newspaper, The Colts Chronicles, is out! Read articles about our school sports, teachers, and other news about our school, town, and world. Go to COLTSCHRONICLES.COM or scan our new flyers with QR codes found around the cafeteria to get the latest updates on what’s happening at Edgewood Junior High School. Don’t miss it, it will only be available for a week!

If you enjoy the culinary arts (or just love to eat sweet treats) please consider joining the EJHS Baking Club. We will meet on Tuesdays in Room 212 from 2:25 until 4 pm beginning on October 12th. Please see Mrs. Koontz and/or complete this form to express interest in the club: EJHS BAKING CLUB

There will be a flu vaccination clinic and a second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinic offered to students ages 12 and older on Thursday, October 14th. There are separate consent forms for each vaccine and forms are due by October 1st. Click Flu Vaccination COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Info for additional information and consent forms.

Do you get passionate about expressing your opinions? Debate Club may be right for you! Debate Club will have its first meeting next Tuesday, September 28th, from 2:30-3:30 in Mrs. Jones’ Room (217). Please make sure you have a ride picking you up at Door 1. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Jones ( or Ms. Epperson (

Picture retakes are scheduled for Tuesday, October 12th during homeroom.

The EJHS PTO is sponsoring a spirit wear sale through Saturday, October 10th. Purchases should be delivered the week of October 25th. Shop online HERE or at 2021_Edgewood_Fall_Spirit_Flyer_FINAL

The Scholastic Book Fair is here! There are lots of great, NEW books for everyone! Take off on an adventure, make new friends, laugh your head off! Visit the Book Fair in the library this week and next! See you there!

Need homework help?

Wednesday night the EJHS Colts cross country team hosted the county championships. It was rainy, cold, and the course got muddy, but our athletes persevered and represented our school well, taking 4th in the boys’ race and 2nd in the girls’ race. Davin and A.J. Norris earned ribbons by making the top 20, finishing 9th and 13th. They were backed by Braiden McGinnis in 33rd, Aiden Lee in 35th, Hank Ripley in 41st, Henry Norris in 42nd, and Evan Cole in 43rd. Hannah Crain was runner-up in the girls’ race, followed by Allison Bland and Ellie Vagedes in 8th and 9th respectively. Also earning ribbons were Nerissa Zelhof-Arriaga and Sophia Mobley in 17th and 18th. Jenna Robbins finished 28th, and Lilly Padgett was 32nd. Haylie Taylor was the top JV finisher, in 5th place. Congratulations!

Coach Sparks will be running an after-school weight lifting program throughout the month of October. If you are interested, see Coach Sparks or click on this LINK.

Open gyms will be held on September 30th and October 14th from 2:30-3:30 pm for any 7th-grade and 8th-grade boys who are interested. See Coach Stevens for more information.

Pre-season workouts for 6th-grade boys’ basketball will begin on Tuesday, October 5th, and continue through Thursday, November 18th. Click 6BB-Fall-Workout-Flier for more information.

Purchase EJHS home event athletic tickets here:


EJHS Athletics/Activities
Week of September 20, 2021

Monday, September 20
Detention – Room 108 (Gallagher) 2:30-3:15 pm
Cross Country vs. Owen Valley 5 pm
Tennis vs. Indian Creek 5:30 pm
Football vs. Brown County 6 pm
Volleyball @ Eastern 6 pm (7th-grade only)

Tuesday, September 21
Detention – Room 109 (Hastings) 2:30-3:15 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-5 pm
Volleyball vs. Bedford 6 pm

Wednesday, September 22
Detention – Room 109 (Hastings) 2:30-3:15 pm
Japan Club Meeting – Room 121 (Epperson) 2:30-3:30 pm
Cross Country County Meet @ EJHS 5:30 pm

Thursday, September 23
Detention – Room 109 (Hastings) 2:30-3:15 pm
Art Club Meeting – Room 216 (Millick) 2:30-3:30 pm
EJHS Robotics – Room 221 (Grimes) 2:30-5 pm
Football vs. North Clay 6 pm
Volleyball @ Tri-North 6 pm

Friday, September 24

Saturday, September 25

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