Edgewood Primary School
7700 W Reeves Rd
Bloomington, IN 47404
t. 812.876.9600
f. 812-876-9611

Mrs. Brenda Whitaker

Assistant Principal
Mr. Matt Wooden
At EPS we have a nurturing and supportive atmosphere that focuses on student learning. We foster skills that teach students how to work with others, how to make good choices, and how to use their knowledge to make our world a better place.
EPS Pledge
EPS is a place where we feel safe, care about each other and learn. I will pledge to be respectful of myself, others and property. I will do the right thing. I will treat people right.
We Believe
- all students have the ability to learn and should receive equal yet diverse learning experiences.
- students benefit from a positive sense of self-worth.
- all students need guidelines and consequences to learn self-control, self-discipline, as well as respect for themselves and others.
- students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process.
- students should acquire skills to work cooperatively and be accountable for their actions in becoming productive citizens.
- students need to value life-long learning