School Health Services
Contact a School’s Health Office Directly:
Edgewood Illness Policy
To help keep the Edgewood School community in a safe and healthy environment, there may be instances where we recommend keeping your student at home in the event of illness. These symptoms include:
- Fever of 100.4 or higher
- Vomiting within the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea within the past 24 hours
- COVID positive test
- Body rash with itching and fever
- Head Lice without treatment
- Eye infection with redness itching, purulent eye drainage
Your student may return to school when:
- Fever free for 1 school day without the use of fever-reducing medications
- Vomiting free for 1 school day
- Diarrhea free for 1 school day
- Free from rash, itching, fever, eye drainage for 24 hours or a doctor’s statement explaining his or her symptoms
- For COVID positive students- after quarantining for 5 days from the start of his or her symptoms and no fever for the last 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications
Edgewood COVID Policy
RBB has established a contingency learning and safety plan in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can access the plan at the RBB school website under the “Families” tab.
Documents and Helpful Links
COVID Contingency Learning and Safety Plan
Required & Recommended School Immunizations Indiana 2022-23
Parent/Guardian Religious Objection to Immunization Form
Hepatitis A Vaccination Information
Hepatitis B Vaccination Information
Medication Information for Parents
Safe, Secure – Emergency Prepared
A quick reference to help parents decide to keep a child home from school due to illness: I need to stay home when…