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November 28, 2023 - Edgewood Schools

November 28, 2023


Week of November 27, 2023

Monday, November 27, 2023
Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Martinsville 6:00 PM

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Boys Freshman Basketball @ Indian Creek 6:00 PM

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023
Varsity Swimming vs. Danville 6:00 PM
Boys Freshman Basketball @ Monrovia 6:00 PM
Varsity Wrestling vs. Terre Haute South 6:30 PM

Friday, December 1, 2023
Boys JV Basketball vs. Cloverdale 6:00 PM
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Cloverdale 7:00 PM
Girls JV Basketball vs. Cloverdale 6:00 PM
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Cloverdale 7:00 PM

Saturday, December 2, 2023
Varsity Swimming @ North Putnam 11:00 AM
Boys JV Basketball vs. North Putnam 6:00 PM
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. North Putnam 7:30 PM
Girls JV Basketball vs. North Putnam 6:00 PM
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. North Putnam 7:30 PM


Please follow this link to go to online ordering of this year’s school photos: Online Ordering

Retake photos: Retake Orders

You will need to log into Harmony Family access to find your student’s STN – that is the passcode to view your student’s photo.


This year the Student Council and the Student Athlete Advisory Committee are teaming up to support Pantry 279’s ELF Dispatch for their holiday gift drive.

Gift donations can be given to your 4th-period teacher with our goal of filling up a minibus full of gifts for Pantry 279.

Wath the following video for more details and gift ideas:

EHS Holiday Gift Drive

EHS is having a Dental Clinic on January 24th, 2024.  If you would like for your child to get their teeth cleaned now is the time.   Print off the form fill it out and fax it to School Smiles or send it back to the school and we will fax it for you.
We will need these forms back by no later than January 17th, 2024

Are you interested in computer science or technology as a possible career field?  Just want to learn more about it?  An opportunity is coming up in February for students to attend a virtual conference/field trip with Nextech.  Here is a link with more information.  If you would like to participate, fill out this quick form by December 1st.  Mrs. Barrett will be in contact with further information.

News from the EHS Library:

Anyone who’s interested in Academic Bowl–please see signs on the library door or ask Mrs. Van Allen for information. The teams are fine arts, social studies, science, math and English. Students of all grades are welcome to join.

Our next Book Club selection is a science fiction book titled The Loop, by Ben Oliver. It is about a futuristic death row for teens under 18, and the chaotic world outside the prison. Come into the library and check out your copy today! We will meet on Friday, December 5, to discuss the book. Book Club is open to any EHS student.

Mustangs, please help us make your El Corral yearbook the best that it can be.  Do you have pictures of Edgewood students doing amazing things? Do you know of classroom lessons, student activities, or just interesting Mustang happenings that we should feature in the yearbook? Do you know of a student or teacher with a special story we should cover? You can send your pictures or tips to Mr. Axsiom, the El Corral adviser, at

The boy’s lacrosse team have begun fall practices. They take place every Wednesday from 6:30-8pm on the soccer fields. New players are welcome and encouraged – need nothing but a pair of athletic shoes! Contact Coach Mary for more information at

Softball workouts will be on Thursdays after school, as long as the weather permits, on the field.  See Coach Hammett(room 133) if you have questions.

Any Edgewood athletes not currently involved in a currently active sport – the weight room is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays after school until 4pm!



Students who would like to request to see their counselor should complete this Google form: Request to See Your Counselor. The form should only be completed using the student’s RBB email. Students may not request schedule changes based on teacher or period preference.

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