EPS Enrollment - Edgewood Schools

Edgewood Primary School Enrollment

Find Enrollment information for all Edgewood Schools here: https://rbbschools.net/enrollment/

2025-2026 School Year

Kindergarten/K5 Welcome Week
March 31- April 4

*If your child is in K5 already they don’t need to enroll or come to open house

2024-2025 School Year

  • If you would like to enroll your child in kindergarten/K5, 1st, or 2nd grade for the 2024-2025 school year please contact the EPS office at 812.876.9600.
    • Once you enroll your student, monthly emails will be sent with updates.
    • Follow us on your favorite social media
      • @RBBSchools
      • @RBBEdgewoodPrimarySchool

Kindergarten/K5 Information

We offer TWO options for families interested in enrolling their students in kindergarten: a traditional kindergarten option and a K5 program.  Both are full-day options.  K5 is for  “young 5s” or students who turn 5 after February 1st prior to their kindergarten year.  K5 is also an option for all entering kindergarteners; although there are limited spots available.  Students who enroll in the K5 program will attend traditional kindergarten the following school year.  Find more information on Edgewood’s K-5 program HERE.


Call Edgewood Primary School: 812.876.9600

Email Principal, Brenda Whitaker: bwhitaker@rbbschools.net

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