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EECC Preschool!

Welcome to Edgewood Early Childhood Center! 

At EECC, we know that a whole-child approach to education, where children develop not only math and literacy skills but also social-emotional, physical, and cognitive skills, is developmentally appropriate and better prepares children for life well beyond their time in a classroom.

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Edgewood Early Childhood Center

7700 W Reeves Rd

Bloomington, IN 47404


Enrollment for 2025-26 School Year is Now Open. Enroll Here

Full-Day Class:

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 8:45-2:45

Wednesday: 9:15-2:50

-Delayed start Wednesday will allow our teachers time for professional development and collaboration.

Half-Day Class:

Half Day AM- Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 8:45-11:15
Wednesday: 9:15-11:15

Half Day PM- Monday-Friday 12:30-2:50

Find out more information about Breakfast, Lunch, Free and Reduced Applications, Lunch Accounts and more HERE.

If there is a 2 hour delay AM Preschool is cancelled for the day. 

Find information about Cancellations or Delays:

  • On the MAIN Edgewood Schools Webpage.
    • Green- school is in session
    • Yellow- school is delayed
    • Red- school is closed
  • An automated call will go out to all “Alert” numbers listed in your student's Harmony account when Dr. Sanders announces a school delay or closure
    • Be sure to update your child’s Alert numbers in Harmony for our automated call service to receive all important information alerts.
  • Delays and closures will be announced on the district Facebook page (@RBBSchools) and local tv and radio stations.

While each classroom varies in its time spent at school (half day/full day, two/three/five days a week), some elements of our schedule are consistent for each class.
● Centers: Students participate in a wide variety of play-based classroom centers, including but not limited to centers for block play, dramatic and dress-up play, toys and games, art, sand and water, library, 5 discovery and science, music and movement, cooking, technology, and outdoor play.
● Circle Time: Students form community in their classroom circles, a time to celebrate each other, hear stories, and share experiences.
● Rest: For full-day students, a rest time is provided. Some students sleep during this time, while others engage in restful activities like listening to stories or other calming exercises.
● Snack (and Lunch for Full-Day Students): This is a time for students to sit together and nourish their bodies. In addition, it is part of the way we build community and conversation in our classrooms. Current
classroom snack policies are available by contacting your student’s teacher or the preschool director.
● Outdoor/Gross Motor Play: Each day, students have multiple opportunities for gross motor play, outdoors when possible and indoors if not. We will be outdoors when the temperature/wind chill is twenty degrees or higher. We also might go outdoors in mildly inclement conditions (light rain, snow, etc.). Please dress your child appropriately for the weather each day.

The state requires a 12:1 student to staff ratio for Pre-K classrooms and a 10:1 ratio for 3 year olds. At EECC our average student to staff ratio is between 4:1 and 6:1.

Fill out the Fees & Behavior Policy Form HERE

Since EECC has a high quality rating, we are able to accept tuition vouchers for qualifying four-year-old students through On My Way Pre-K.


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